

We are a carbon credit retailer in the voluntary carbon market, verified by the Verra Registry. Our expertise in carbon offsetting bridge project developers with clients who wish to offset their carbon footprint. In ACT4, we offer carbon calculation, efficient customer service, and certified credits generated by removed or avoided GHG emissions. We work to mitigate atmospheric carbon, and to increase trust, transparency, and traceability to the carbon markets. ACT4 is part of Nordic Waves Group.

Nordic Waves Group

Nordic Waves Group is a circular economy pioneer from Copenhagen, Denmark, that initiates, advises, and engages in projects with a sharp focus on making positive impacts in accordance with the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.

With the objectives of halting and reversing greenhouse gas emissions, we seek to mitigate the wide-ranging impacts of climate change. Our vision is a global resource-efficient and circular economy leading to economic, social, and environmental prosperity - without compromising the future of our planet.

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